A dynamic Studio

Transforming Ideas into Icons: A Passion for Graphic Design and Branding. In a world defined by visuals, every element carries the potential to tell a story, evoke an emotion, and leave an indelible mark. As a dedicated graphic designer my journey is centered around harnessing the power of design to craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences on a profound level.

Shop Prints

Lemon Drop
Old Fashion

Case Studies

Case Studies ↓

Third one out

"Third One Out" is a character design concept created for an imaginary comedy series. The show revolves around the lives of three women who share a close living arrangement. As they face and overcome life's challenges, they provide each other with support and advice, showcasing the strength of their friendship.

aquatic depression

A lively and colorful logo was crafted to symbolize the tight-knit yet vibrant surf community of a small surf media blog, along with its social media presence. This emblem encapsulates the spirit of surf culture while embodying the essence of the platform's identity.


The Los Angeles County Museum of Art undergoes a revitalization with a fresh brand logo, seasonal posters, and redesigned tickets for both regular entry and special events.

Solimar Pictures

Solimar Pictures is a film group company currently located in Oahu, Hawaii. The name comes from a cool beach town in southern California that totally influenced our logo design.

billie eilish

Inspired by Happier Than Ever's emotional depth, I curated a stamp like illustration that encapsulates billie’s rise in the industry, old Hollywood vibes and her growing into a woman, all crafted to harmonize with Billie's distinctive artistic vision.

we are la

for a dodger team campaign called “we are la.” A combination of a heart and baseball was used to make a symbol to show love for the team. the logo was intended to signify the history of the american sport as well as remind los angeles that we are a community.

vertigo diaries

"Vertigo Diaries," a series that delves into the intricate landscapes of human experiences. The inaugural issue, "Superbloom," takes readers on a captivating journey that intertwines the blossoming of nature with personal growth.

graphic design group

During my college years, I proactively established the Graphic Design Group, a vital hub that united fellow graphic design majors to collaborate and exchange ideas. This platform not only bridged a gap in our community but also nurtured a space for creativity and skill-sharing.

rogue remote

In collaboration with GEO Film Group, Rogue Remote, a new remote head, needed its own branding. This project required several different brand plaques to go on the product.